Can prayer help me?
How can prayer in Christian Science help me? How does it result in better health and experiences of healing? How can it help the world?
Through prayer, we can learn more of God’s nature and ability to touch and heal our lives and the world. If God is divine Love and has infinite wisdom, how could He cause sin or sickness? If God is all powerful and ever present, is there anything He can’t address? Jesus’ life and works showed how God helps us through prayer, and Mary Baker Eddy explains in her work: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures how to pray effectively.
Studies show that increasing numbers of people are discovering how prayer and health are related. Many Christian Scientists find that prayer consistently results in healing. If you would like to talk about this idea or have someone pray with you for more light, health, and inspiration, Christian Science practitioners and teachers are available to help. Christian Science practitioners and teachers located in British Columbia. HERE