in White Rock, BC, Canada

White Rock Christian Science Church



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On Sunday, July 14 at 2 pm PDT we are hosting an interactive workshop (in person and on zoom) for everyone interested in more active Reading Rooms. Click here to join the meeting.

Click here for the handout.


We are located at 15242 Russell Avenue, White Rock, just one block east of Johnston. Our Sunday Services and Sunday School start at 10:30 a.m. Our mid-week testimony meeting held Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. provides inspiration and an opportunity for participants to share what they are learning in Christian Science and to recount practical demonstrations of God’s love. Both the Sunday Services and the Wednesday Testimony Meetings are available via zoom. Click here to join.
Our Reading Room hours are Tues., Thurs. and 1st Sat. 10am to 1pm.

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Get your spiritual lift for the day! Daily Lift is a free Monday thru Friday audio series. Christian Science lecturers share brief inspirational thoughts for the day. GET LIFTED


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Sentinel Watch is a weekly 30-minute program available online to listen to anywhere -- from your phone, tablet or laptop.  Each week you can hear people share how a spiritual viewpoint energized their prayers and led to practical healing answers. Click HERE to listen to this week's  program.








Prayer and Healing


Feeling threatened by illness, lack or some other problem? No matter where you are, who you’re with, you can always pray to God and expect an answer. You don’t need to be in church or on your knees … you can pray ‘on the go’. Christian Sciences teaches how prayer works and how to pray effectively, and that we can expect these prayers to be answered. Scientific prayer as taught in Christian Science is powerful and effective and brings healing to any situation.

Watch videos of people healed by prayer in Christian Science. Their inspiring stories tell of lives lived fearlessly, healthfully, and abundantly through the study and practice of Christian Science.

Healing Videos

Values and Beliefs

Christian Science is Christian. It's based on the teachings of Christ Jesus, who said, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also...” (John 14:12). Mary Baker Eddy (the discoverer and founder of Christian Science) said, “these mighty works are not supernatural, but supremely natural...” (Science and Health, p.xi:14). This can mean resolving difficult challenges with health, relationships, employment, and other personal and global issues through prayer. People who practice Christian Science are free to make their own choices about what to think and do in each situation, including health care. But Christian Science is so much more than a system of self-help or health care. Ultimately, it is a way to draw closer to our loving Father-Mother, God, as well as all of humanity.

The full explanation of Christian Science is contained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Eddy. Written as the result of Scriptural study, revelation, and actual experience in spiritual healing, the book seeks to change the reader’s perception from a material to a spiritual foundation, and this change in perception results in healing.

Christian Science has helped many people find better emotional and physical health, answers to life’s deepest issues and progress on their spiritual journeys. MORE




Knowing what to expect before going somewhere for the first time makes a big difference. Take some time to get to know us. Browse our site and get a sense of who we are - a community of people who are passionate about learning more about God and His love for us, our way shower, Jesus Christ, and how to demonstrate this understanding in our daily lives.


Knowing what to expect before going somewhere for the first time makes a big difference. Take some time to get to know us. Browse our site and get a sense of who we are - a community of people who are passionate about learning more about God and His love for us, our way shower, Jesus Christ, and how to demonstrate this understanding in our daily lives.

What to Expect



We are a friendly group who gather together in our storefront church on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. for worship and prayer. We sing hymns and listen to an inspiring solo message. Instead of a minister, we have two individuals, selected by the congregation who conduct the service and read the weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson. The lesson contains citations from our portable pastor: the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science. Each weeks the lesson focuses on a different topic. 


The service lasts approximately one hour and informal dress is normal.


Sunday School for the 'under 20s' is held at the same time as our Sunday morning service.


Usually, once a month after church, we join together for fellowship where we get to know one another better. Light refreshments are served.


Our mid-week meeting held Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. provides inspiration and an opportunity for participants to share what they are learning in Christian Science and to recount practical demonstrations of God’s love. The meeting includes hymns and readings from the Bible and Science and Health on a particular topic of current interest.